The Access Energetic Facelift

This class is a revolutionary technique that offers a natural and gentle way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging. Unlike other alternatives available in the market, this technique is kinder, gentler, and easier on the body.


Our approach to the facelift is unique as we focus on creating change at the cellular level, allowing the body’s natural healing capacities to deepen and quicken. This non-invasive, non-surgical technique is completely free from creams, injections, and harmful chemicals.


Clients who have experienced the Access Energetic Facelift have reported numerous benefits, which include more youthful-looking skin, firmer bodies, a brighter and more luminous face, increased elasticity of the skin, clearer eyes, a beautiful glow in the hair, lifted breasts and buttocks, improved energy levels, increased relaxation, and a reduced self-judgment towards their bodies. Furthermore, with repeated sessions (at least 20 times), the results appear to be permanent.


During our one-day Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner Training, participants will learn the intricacies of this hands-on body process. This class requires no prerequisites and is open to everyone who is interested. Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to both give and receive the Access Energetic Facelift, truly immersing themselves in the experience. Each participant will also receive a comprehensive manual to support their ongoing practice.


Upon completion of our Access Energetic Facelift Class, participants will become Certified Access Energetic Facelift Practitioners (AFPR). This certification allows them to offer Access Energetic Facelift sessions to clients, friends, and family.


In terms of pricing, our regular price for the one-day training is $560 USD. However, we offer a discounted rate of $280 USD for repeat participants and individuals aged 16-17.


I envision our website as a platform that beautifully showcases the benefits and transformational power of the Access Energetic Facelift. It should have clear sections on the technique itself, the training program, pricing information, and the certification process. Additionally, I believe it would be beneficial to feature testimonials from satisfied clients who have experienced the facelift, as well as before and after photos to visually demonstrate the remarkable results.

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